Business L&N
Working or doing business in English involves literacy & numeracy skills. Every industry and job has its own language, processes and skillsets. New roles can need us to discover new ways to speak, write or work in teams. With over 30 years’ experience in marketing, strategy, admin and self-employment, ALNS helps people do this.
You can achieve as a job seeker, student, recruit, employee, manager or business owner. Having decided to grow vocationally, it’s ‘just’ a matter of doing the work. Sessions in literacy & numeracy for work are best when based upon real tasks. This ensures that your learning is tailored to your industry and job.
Working with real scenarios, ALNS reinforces learning. Every student and employer has specific needs and objectives. These are identified at our first session and confirmed before sessions start. ALNS can work with you on short-, medium- or long-term programs.
Depending on the brief, ALNS can mentor your employees face-to-face or via Zoom. Click here to get in contact or call the Reading Writing Hotline on 1300 655 506 to find services near you.
Developing workplace literacy & numeracy can involve the “usual” suite of skills. Please visit the other pages on this website to explore what this can mean. The following are common examples of how ALNS helps adults develop literacy & numeracy skills for work:
- job seeking, resumes & cover letters
- interview preparation & practice
- preparation for entry exams and psychometric tests
- completing forms for work
- business English skills
- business numeracy (maths and the language it uses)
- computer skills
- using mobile, digital or technical equipment
- writing & delivering speeches and presentations
- MS Office programs (Outlook, Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint)
- website development & maintenance (using WordPress)
- strategic thinking & planning
- writing business & marketing plans
- developing marketing & advertising messages
- administration skills (including filing systems & asset registers)
- business process development & review
- developing business stationery
To develop your literacy & numeracy skills for work or discuss a work-sponsored program, contact Fran on 0413 525 114 or via
Helpful resources….
Visit our blog for useful articles and handouts related to business literacy and numeracy skills.